IFP.TXT Last update 05-29-91 This file contains a list of all officialy released In Fase Productions. All these files are downloadable/requestable at: In Fase BBS, +31-1840-10261 2:285/311 27:1331/1108 9:77/200 24h a day at 2400 bps. Program name: Tetra Last Version: v1.00 Release date: 04-10-91 Filename: TETRA100.ZIP Magic filename: TETRA Distribution: DDS Size: 60kb Describtion: Tetra is a very nice online tetris doorgame. Your users can play Tetra alone, or against YOU! This door will also run on SuperBBS systems using S2R. Program name: S2R Last version: v1.00 Release date: 04-10-91 Filename: S2R-100.ZIP Magic filename: S2R Distribution: SDS Size: 11kb Describtion: Utility that let's you run almost ANY Remote Access door on SuperBBS v1.10. Program name: BiFace Last Version: v1.00 Release date: 05-29-91 Filename: BIFAC100.ZIP Magic filename: BIFACE Distribution: SDS Size: 49kb Describtion: This program is a BiModem interface to Remote Access (and SuperBBS using S2R). This interface has some nice protection features to prevent users from downloading files like USERS.BBS..